How LED Video Panels Work

There’s no doubt that LED video panels have become a staple for events of all kinds. They can provide beautiful backdrops for weddings, add excitement to concerts, and even be used as a digital billboard to advertise. But how do they work? We’ll take a look at the basics of LED video panels and how they are set up to create the perfect atmosphere for your event. If you’re interested in LED video panels for your event, contact Breakthrough Productions today! 

Pixel Pitch

Pixel Pitch aka Pixel Dot

Pixel pitch, also called pixel dot, is correlated with the resolution and determines how clear the images will appear on your LED video wall. The smaller the pixel pitch, the less space between them, which means higher density and resolution. This is ideal for backdrops for weddings or other fun events. Talk to the experts at Breakthrough Productions to learn which pixel pitch would be best for your event.

Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio For Size

Aspect ratio refers to the width and height of your LED wall panels or LED video wall. With a 2:2 ratio, you will get a perfect square. With a 4:2 ratio, you get a width that’d double the height. When it comes to backdrops for weddings or a LED video wall, the aspect ratio is important so you don’t distort your image or lose the quality of your videos.

Clear Graphics_Words

Clear Graphics and Words

LED video panels give you clear graphics, words, and imagery. At Breakthrough Productions, we understand the software, font, sizing, and more that’s necessary to give you crystal clear imagery for your LED video wall. Whether a backdrop for a wedding, celebration, or event, our team has the experience you need to get clear graphics and words for your LED video wall.

LED Video Wall

LED Video Walls

LED video walls have become a staple for all types of events. Backdrops for weddings, product launches, concerts, and more have been greatly enhanced with an LED video wall. With the right company like Breakthrough Productions, you can get first-class service and an exceptional LED video wall that will make your event one to remember!

LED wall panels create images and videos controlled by a computer or controller. Whether pictures, videos, or games, LED video panels can create the perfect LED video wall for your event. Book yours with Breakthrough Productions today!

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